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Understanding Dementia Better Via Virtual Dementia Tour

Putting ourselves in another person’s shoes helps us understand what someone is going through. However, this can be difficult when we have no grasp of how a condition can take hold. Good thing, a revolutionary tool has been invented so that...

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Tips for Diabetics: Food Cravings and Their Alternatives

Once you learn to accept your diabetes, you will discover that you can still live without feeling deprived. This is the purpose of home health care agencies - to see to it that you live life to the fullest while monitoring your holistic health....

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6 Self-Help Lessons to Overcoming Depression

We have all gone through a point in our lives when we thought we would not make it. There were times when we thought that was it; that was all we were. We thought we are not that significant. Even when people would remind us of how special we are...

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4 Risks Seniors Face when Living Alone

It is evident in many homes that the older people get, the greater their tendency to live alone. This is even true to elders who do not have children to call their own. Perhaps this can make you wonder, “What could living alone do to seniors?...

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7 Things Homemaking Services Uphold

It takes a clean residential setting to keep your health guarded. Has your health constantly been put at stake because of a messy home? It’s time to gaze at your surrounding with vigilance and eyes wide open, realizing the necessity for...

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Granny’s Tantrums and How to Handle the Same

Children are not the only ones who throw tantrums. As you may know, our senior loved ones do so as well. This is rampant among those that are of advanced age or those that suffer from mental disorders such as dementia. Regardless of the cause, it...

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