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Category Archives: Senior Care


Wandering Prevention for Seniors with Dementia

Seniors, especially those with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, bring a great worry to their loved ones when they go out of the house for curiosity’s sake. In most cases, wanderers frequently do not recognize where they are, even in a...

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4 Risks Seniors Face when Living Alone

It is evident in many homes that the older people get, the greater their tendency to live alone. This is even true to elders who do not have children to call their own. Perhaps this can make you wonder, “What could living alone do to seniors?...

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Granny’s Tantrums and How to Handle the Same

Children are not the only ones who throw tantrums. As you may know, our senior loved ones do so as well. This is rampant among those that are of advanced age or those that suffer from mental disorders such as dementia. Regardless of the cause, it...

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Why Home Care Should Be Accessible for Older Adults?

We can’t stay young forever. As we age, our bodies tend to grow weaker and weaker – we can never deny it. Although this is an unfortunate fact, it has to be one of the things we just have to accept. Furthermore, the increasing weakness that...

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The Advantages of Home Care Services

When you are aging or disabled, doing things around the house or even just trying to take good care of yourself can become a nearly impossible challenge to do on your own. This is where At-HomeCare of CT, LLC can assist you. Through our superb...

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Why You Should Exercise as a Senior Citizen

Through exercise, it is possible to maintain your youthful vigor. If you do not want to feel the effects of old age and you still want to keep on doing what you love, At-HomeCare of CT, LLC can provide the support and the services you need to...

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